Top 10 greatest movies of all time (in my opinion)

Photo Credit: RJ Smith

This here is my setup with my movies and pop figures (nerd). 65 inch tv with surround sound, trust me I know what I’m talking about (maybe).

Before we even get to the list, what qualifies a movie to be included in my top ten. Do I sit down and watch the movie with ZERO distractions (meaning phone and or pausing it to do something else)? Do I own the movie on disc? Do I have any memorabilia from the movie? You might be reading this and thinking why does any of this matter in choosing a top ten. It really doesn’t but I needed to start the article with something to hopefully get you interested. Now here is my top ten greatest movies of all time (in my opinion)…

10: The Lion King (1994)

Starting off strong with 1994’s The Lion King directed by Roger Allers and
Rob Minkoff. This animated film pulls all the heart strings and the music to tie it all together makes this film so rewatchable. The voice cast was incredible with emotions that only a real life movie could do. I don’t want to spoil it if you haven’t seen it but if you haven’t what are you doing. If you would like to hear a song from the Lion King click here.

9: Harry Potter (Franchise)

I know it’s not one movie but you tell me how to choose which one. My favorite is the Goblet of Fire but so is the Prisoner of Azkaban. I love Harry Potter and grew up on it and even dressed up as him for Halloween (not showing that picture for obvious reasons). I’ve been to Harry Potter at Universal Orlando and got my own wand. If you somehow haven’t watched Harry Potter click here for a scene from the first movie and hopefully it makes you want to watch more.

8: Scream

I am a big horror guy and I could’ve gone with movies like Halloween or Insidious but why not go with the movie that redefined the horror genre. Wes Craven’s Scream is great for a number of reasons (Spoiler Warning) there is 2 killers and they know the victims because they are all students at a high school and they try to kill Sidney because of her mom. Sidney’s mom spawned a franchise of 6 movies with a 7 on the way. Click here for the opening scene of the movie.

7: Full Metal Jacket

One of the greatest anti-war movies ever made. The way the film is edited is pure perfection. Half of the movie is at bootcamp while the other half is at Vietnam. Stanley Kubrick was one of the greatest directors with his other movies like 2001 Space Odyssey and The Shining. Full Metal Jacket just made you so emotionally attached to the characters and it being a war they could die at any moment. Click here for the opening haircut scene.

6: The Nightmare Before Christmas

A classic Disney movie where you just have to appreciate the stop motion animation and the voice of Danny Elfman. A lot of people think Tim Burton directed this movie but he didn’t. Henry Selick directed it. It has many great musical numbers and it isn’t a long movie in any means. It is only an hour and 15 minutes and it feels like it is only 30 minutes. Click here for in my opinion the best song in the movie.

5: The Hangover

One of the greatest comedy movies I’ve ever seen. The vegas trip that so many friend groups have tried to recreate is honestly crazy. This movie has so many quotable lines. I rarely laugh out loud at movies but this is the one comedy movie that no matter how many times I watch it I can laugh. Click here to watch the trailer from the movie because honestly it was really hard to find any specific scene that I wanted to show.

4: Dune Part 2

I know. I know. This movie just came out this year. How could it possibly be in my top 5. Well I will ask you… have you seen Dune Part 2? This movie could single handedly bring people back to the cinemas. Dune was such an experience and watching it made me sit up in my reclined seat. Click here to watch the trailer for Dune. I would not want to spoil anything for this movie.

Here we are in the top 3…

3. Boyhood

This movie took 13 years to make using the same actors. One of the greatest ideas for a movie because you really feel like you are involved in their lives. Richard Linklater is one of, if not one of the greatest living directors. Boyhood should’ve won all the oscars because it is emotional and feel good and that’s why it makes my top 3. It was also shot in San Marcos, what else is there not to love. Click here to watch the trailer and watch this movie.

2. Dead Poets Society

When I tell you I cried like a little baby while watching this, it would be an understatement. I cried and cried during this movie. It has honestly the greatest character developments and Robin Williams doing drama roles and not being funny was such a great casting choice. This movie can honestly be boring to some people but trust me if you give it a chance and actually watch all the way through. You’ll love it like I do. Click here for the trailer.

1. The Social Network

This honestly could be a disappointment for a lot of people expecting it be something like Citizen Kane or something like that. The Social Network has Andrew Garfield and Jesse Eisenberg in honestly their greatest roles (Hacksaw Ridge is a close 2nd for Andrew). The direction and pacing and the score it peak perfection. I have seen it too many times and I can watch it again and again and I won’t get bored. Click here for the trailer.

Well there was my top 10 movies in my opinion. Hope you enjoyed and maybe you saw a movie or 2 that you’ve never seen and now you want to watch them.

And if you like this style of content and want to get more in depth, I would check out Let Me Explain’s channel on youtube.

Below is a video on his channel…


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