Movie Review Time

This is something new that I am trying out where I will watch a movie for the first time and see if you should watch it or not. It might be a main series on the website or it may not. Today the movie I will be reviewing is Donnie Darko.

Photo Credit: RJ Smith

I picked up this movie at a Movie Exchange in San Antonio, Texas. Directed by Richard Kelly and it was funded by Drew Barrymore. This movie has a wide variety of opinions. I have seen many film buffs say that this is either the greatest movie they have ever seen or it is the worst that they have ever seen. Well now it’s my turn to give my opinion.

Donnie Darko is a great movie I will give it that, but not for everybody… The movie revolves around the character Donnie played by Jake Gyllenhaal. He goes through an existential crisis the whole movie and visions of a sinister rabbit named Frank. I know that might throw people off but trust me there is a reason for it. Visually, Donnie Darko has a moody style and it is complemented by a haunting soundtrack that enhances its eerie ambiance. It also deals with some tough topics that may be disturbing to the audience. But, some of the best movies have the toughest topics.

Cinematography: Steven Poster

I will rate the movie a 8.2 out of 10. The reason why it may be low to some people is that it can honestly be hard to follow for some people. It honestly took me multiple rewatches and a directors cut to understand the story all the way through. With that being said it can be a cinematic masterpiece or it could be a waste of your time. In my opinion I believe it can be a fantastic watch. I hopefully didn’t give too much away. Click here for a link to the trailer.

I know that many people don’t like watching movies because they can be too long or boring. So I have found a youtube explanation to help explain more of it. Click the video below to watch more. Also if you would like to watch the movie for free, it is currently on YouTube for free with ads (Click here).


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